Defining Intuition My Way

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” John Muir

Intuition is a continuous signal providing  information about the nature of the world, the universe, the Whole or any of its component parts. I believe this signal to be comprised of energy “signatures” that operate in both material and non-material domains.

Intuition can reach beyond the past and present to identify, interpret, and actually create patterns in the future, as easily as it responds to those patterns in the here and now, or recognizes them from the past. Intuition is not bound by linear equations. The mind can bounce from one type of information or processing without skipping a beat, and can link the rational, emotional, intuitive, and analytical together as pearls in a single strand of necklace. Working in a domain outside space and time, intuition permits non-sequiturs and apparent nonsense to flow into the conscious mind without having to be linked rationally to any past pattern or action. In this unusual way, pivotal factors and elements that might otherwise be eliminated from consideration can be considered together, forming new and as yet unrecognizable patterns for the future.

In my view, and waxing a bit more poetic than rational, I believe that intuition is the non-verbal language of the soul of the cosmos. I call intuition language because its purpose is communication – within, between, and among parts of the whole – whatever the parts look like, act like, or become.

It is intuition that holds the whole together, moving in unison like the flock of birds flying south for the winter, dipping, diving, turning in mind boggling synchrony, heading sometimes for a destination they have never seen, but know exists.

•The knowing is intuition.

•The maneuvering is possible because of intuition.

•The destination calls to them through intuition.

•The pattern of flight is maintained through intuition.

•The sun and moon and weather talk to them through intuition.

Intuition is the call of the wild untamed heart, the raging river, and the precise movement of a sophisticated timepiece. It is organic and inorganic, elemental, biological, emotional, divine. Intuition is the language of HOME, the breath of the universe.

It is as if everything is held together by a colossal network that conducts signals instantaneously to any outpost of literally all that exists. It records the flapping of a butterfly’s wings, the travel of a photon, the heartbeat of lovers locked in ecstasy or battle, the rotation of suns and moons, the birth of stars and galaxies. Each particle, quantum, whatever that unit ultimately is determined to be, has its own signature and is aware of its own existence and the existence of all other units of the whole. It does not matter whether these units are identified individually or collectively as they change form and expression; their identity is inviolate and known by all others.

Business applications of intuition take special advantage of this “connection to the whole” to provide an intuitive edge for human resource decisions, new product development, and global financial markets. The developed hunch can flesh out the impact or consequences of decisions made now, thereby avoiding productivity or financial pitfalls in the future.

Because we are connected to the whole through our capacity for intuition, we can compute probabilities in a flash and identify the most probable outcome of any particular action or choice from any moment in time. What a boon to business!

Intuition is not a substitute for scientific inquiry; it is a different and additional tool using the inner senses rather than the outer ones. According to Carl Jung, “This term does not denote something contrary to reason, but something outside the province of reason.”

Intuition can provide foresight and insight into possible scientific discoveries before the technology or research have been developed to “prove” their reliability or validity. By their own admission, thoughtful scientists routinely use intuition, including scientists who have been widely acclaimed for certain mainstream discoveries. While it is not yet safe to name the use of this resource for fear of being ridiculed or dismissed professionally, the time is fast approaching when intuition can be an open partner to business and science, rather than its mistress.

The conscious use of intuition in everyday life, which I like to call seven “second decision making,” holds the promise of transforming the nature of personal, social, political, and business relationships. Paying attention to what we know without knowing how we know, and trusting that deep knowing, makes it easier to collaborate productively and harder to be fooled or manipulated. Learning the proper use of intuition may be a revolutionary act!

Published by Helen L. Stewart PhD

Endlessly curious, writer, speaker, blogger, intuitive, author, consultant. Retired university academic administrator and faculty member. Citizen of the world. Traveler. Human being. Perhaps in reverse order.

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