Just Say Yes: A Millennial Guide to Ease

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Photo by Kelly Lacy on Pexels.com

The following audio recording is a speech I gave on January 23, 2000, at the Music, Musings and Meditation Fellowship in Albuquerque NM. The talk is about choice and ease at a time when folks were beginning to realize that the anticipated Y2K technological bug did not bring about the end of the world as we knew it after all. Nor will the world end with the conviction or acquittal of President Donald J. Trump. The heartfelt speeches of Adam Schiff and Mitt Romney will stand the test of time, just as will the speeches and actions of the president and all nationally elected officials before, during, and after this impeachment process.

My twenty-three minute speech is a simple one and certainly one without such significant consequences. Nevertheless, it may assist us emotionally and spiritually as we wend our way through the current political landscape. The talk was recorded rather informally in the old cassette tape days by a designated member of the MMM Fellowship, so there is a buzzing sound in the background which I have been unable to clear with my amateur editing skills. Hopefully the content will be powerful enough, however, to hold your interest and attention. Turning down the volume helps.

We are beginning the third decade of this new century in a new millennium. Choice and ease may seem to be in short supply of late; on the other hand, they may be just as available now as they were twenty years ago, or will be twenty or fifty or a thousand years into the future…


Published by Helen L. Stewart PhD

Endlessly curious, writer, speaker, blogger, intuitive, author, consultant. Retired university academic administrator and faculty member. Citizen of the world. Traveler. Human being. Perhaps in reverse order.

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