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Why This Website?

Ideas have social and political impact. Ideas lead to action, ideas undergird action, and the development of ideas is itself action – a worthy enterprise for good or ill. It is my intention to promote new ideas, expose harmful ideas, rethink commonly accepted ideas, and render obsolete those ideas that no longer serve the common good. Everything you find here is biased in the best sense of the word. I make no claim to speak for any other and try to be as honest as I can. I know that my personal experience shapes my ideas and I make no pretense of objectivity, but in every moment I try to do no harm. Some may find resonance with what they find here while others may find disturbance. As Martin Luther said centuries ago, “Here I stand, I can do no other.”

Some of what you find here will seem outrageous until you see mention in the mainstream news. The categories “On the Record,” and “Granola: Inner Musings,” address ideas or events that garnered mainstream attention after I wrote about them intuitively months or years prior with no access to privileged information.

Sometimes, apparently innovative thoughts are really old ones that simply need to be dusted off and remembered; others are truly unusual and new for our time. Hopefully, we can explore both together.

As both an academic and intuitive, I live in multiple worlds: probable and alternative futures, traditional higher education, executive leadership, long-term organizational development, metaphysics, live radio, international work and travel, and even amateur photography. These varied interests require a blending of the hemispheres of the brain – of multifaceted ways of knowing. My passion is paying attention to possibility and innovation in all forms, long before they become widely recognized. Public policies and practices are up for consideration as well.

The Seven Second Decision Making Blog (“SSD Blog”) and the Intuition Blog provide tips and tools to access one’s own gut feeling or intuition on demand for business or personal use. These tools can be used to lead, to accompany, or to follow after. They can shape the future we wish to live.

Since I am retired and free now to think outside the box, I hope this offers some of what Malcolm Gladwell calls “outlier” thinking. Perhaps you will discover your own innovative thoughts rising to the surface as well.

The range of ideas expressed on this website is varied, so just find the post or subject area that peaks (or piques) your interest, and skip the rest. Be sure to surf through the archived posts as well! Occasionally I’ll re-post some “oldies but goodies,” but plan to focus primarily on the new. There is certainly enough going on in the world to keep all of us busy for a long time to come!!

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