My Big Toe

What is your body telling you about your direction, your relationships, your dreams and fears, and most importantly, about your core beliefs? Ultimately, it is your beliefs about yourself, human nature, and the future of the world that support and hinder not only your body, but your fulfillment as well.

“It’s Only Meat”

The killing, skinning and dismembering of a healthy two-year-old giraffe named Marius in front of child and adult spectators at the Copenhagen, Denmark zoo has haunted me for days. I am still trying to sort out my visceral feelings about this, and trying to understand and share the public outrage and concern on all sidesContinue reading ““It’s Only Meat””

A Non-Scientific Approach to Singularity

The search for world peace is ultimately based on a relentless yearning for the Singularity, the remembrance of complete synchrony in that moment just before all remembrance fades into oblivion. Singularity is the siren’s sound that calls us home for dinner: home for alignment and attunement; home for repair and renewal of the universal heartContinue reading “A Non-Scientific Approach to Singularity”


For me the most important word in any language is “Yes!” “Yes” represents the transformation from either-or to both-and thinking. It is the fusion of dualities, the essence of choice, the claiming of personal and collective responsibility. It is ending the need to blame or shame, the need to dominate or annihilate, the need toContinue reading “YES!!”


I awaken from a powerful dream about a family member, and two hours later I receive great news from a closely connected relative. I am having dinner conversation at home on a particular subject, and the very next day I receive an email from someone in my distant past related to that very subject, orContinue reading “Synchronicities”

The Importance of Surprise and Trust in the Intuitive Process

Surprise is the single most important clue that you have stumbled into the realm of the intuitive. Often what doesn’t make any rational sense right now makes a whole lot of sense in the larger scheme of things, but you won’t be able to know for sure until later. In the meantime, you have toContinue reading “The Importance of Surprise and Trust in the Intuitive Process”

A Dog’s Intuition

It All Started With Separation Anxiety When Chaco the dog’s first human became ill and subsequently died, he began to show signs of severe separation anxiety. He would bark scratch, jump up and down, hide so I couldn’t tuck him away and leave him behind, lick his paws until they bled, and eventually try toContinue reading “A Dog’s Intuition”

Many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip…

“Resolve” is such a heavy word. No wonder we avoid it like the plague, peeking in once a year to see how far we have fallen or strayed from our good intentions, from our last year’s dreams and last decade’s desires. The very word itself feels like punishment: public humiliation for being weak and imperfect.Continue reading “Many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip…”

Choice With a Lower Case “c”

One would think, considering the headlines of the day, that the most significant choice facing us today has to do with elected and appointed leadership of the few over (or for) the many: dictatorships, democracies, courts, political parties, religious expression, economic and territorial imperatives, and varying definitions of terrorism. These apparent choices, however, are justContinue reading “Choice With a Lower Case “c””

Election Accountability With a Twist…

[First published 25 October 2012] I have an idea. What if before electing a President or Senator or Congressional Representative, say every 10 years, we were required to spend every 9th year trading places with someone – ANYONE else – in the country, or better yet, in the world? There would be no loopholes, noContinue reading “Election Accountability With a Twist…”

The Intuitive Edge in Dreams

I have always been big on dreams, and for decades kept a dream journal beside my bed. In the early days I thought of dreams as a psychological aid, as many thoughtful college students do who major in the social sciences. But then I began to notice various patterns to my dreams. I realized thatContinue reading “The Intuitive Edge in Dreams”

A Different View of Our Sun

As a non-physicist, it is difficult for me to find appropriate language for the intuitive sense that triggered this piece. So I will just put it On the Record for now, hoping that some more advanced minds than mine will be able to make sense of it. There are quite literal and material universes “trapped”Continue reading “A Different View of Our Sun”

Futuristic Aerial Control of Water and Weather

Written on 7 August 2012: Paying attention to the  simultaneity of severe flooding in some regions of the world, along with severe drought in others, has got me thinking. Now On the Record: A technology can and will eventually be developed that will have the effect of what I will call “aerial vacuuming,” or gathering,Continue reading “Futuristic Aerial Control of Water and Weather”

“She Goes on Her Own…” Literal or Metaphorical Meaning?

It is important to discern whether intuitive hunches are meant to be interpreted quite literally, or whether they should be taken as a clue related to something else that is not meant to be literal at all. Stories abound of dreams and other types of premonitions about the World Trade Center collapse, a stock marketContinue reading ““She Goes on Her Own…” Literal or Metaphorical Meaning?”

Defining Intuition My Way

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” John Muir Intuition is a continuous signal providing  information about the nature of the world, the universe, the Whole or any of its component parts. I believe this signal to be comprised of energy “signatures” thatContinue reading “Defining Intuition My Way”