Plot Twists: The Body as Storyboard

Body as Storyboard There is no storyboard more dynamic, animated, full of plots, subplots, protagonists, antagonists, good guys and bad guys, and plain old plot twists than the human body. Our bodies respond instantaneously to every dream, desire, fear, emotion, and speculation. Like “Plastic Man” in the old action hero comic books, our bodies willContinue reading “Plot Twists: The Body as Storyboard”

Core Beliefs and the Body

I know why I was born an African-American female, why the fulfillment of my purpose in life needed these physical characteristics to make me strong, help me see, even support me in the special kind of leadership I was to undertake. My root assumption, my overriding conscious core belief about our experience of physical reality,Continue reading “Core Beliefs and the Body”