Alternate Futures

We could continue along what seems to be our current path, exhausting the resources on earth and colonizing other planets in the same way we have colonized this one. We could do that and be scientifically thrilled and justified in our behavior from a particular point of view. Alternatively, we could skip into that infiniteContinue reading “Alternate Futures”

Detachment From the Outcome

If you believe that investment in the outcome is the true mark of loyalty to your company, you have some homework to do now. Detachment from the outcome does not mean you no longer care. It means that you are willing to let your ego and your fear step aside for a moment. If youContinue reading “Detachment From the Outcome”


For me the most important word in any language is “Yes!” “Yes” represents the transformation from either-or to both-and thinking. It is the fusion of dualities, the essence of choice, the claiming of personal and collective responsibility. It is ending the need to blame or shame, the need to dominate or annihilate, the need toContinue reading “YES!!”

North Korea (Private emails written by Helen on 18 Dec 2011 and 31 Mar 2013)

Written 18 Dec 2011 The dominoes fall – still again. Part of the surprise, even though all knew [Kim Jong Il] was about to go. No amount of orchestrating and planning can make them “behave” in ways others in the West wish they would. (They means the North Koreans.)…. Be on the lookout. There areContinue reading “North Korea (Private emails written by Helen on 18 Dec 2011 and 31 Mar 2013)”