Dates to Notice

24 March 2017. Awakened from dream with this date to watch. No insight as to the reason or source. 11 April 2017. It turns out that March 24th was the date the attempted repeal of Obamacare failed in the U.S. House of Representatives, dealing a major blow to the Republican Party and the agenda ofContinue reading “Dates to Notice”

2016 Elections a “Stunning Upset?” Nope.

Below is a verbatim text message I sent to a friend dated 24 July 2016 at 3:23PM. Fast forward to 13 November 2016: Mike Pence is now Vice-President Elect, Paul Ryan was “drafted” to be Speaker of the House, and Reince Priebus has just been named White House Chief of Staff in the new TrumpContinue reading “2016 Elections a “Stunning Upset?” Nope.”

Are We There Yet? On the Record in October 2001

March 2020 I posted an intuitive insight on the 19th of October, 2001, going “On the Record,” about certain global events, then followed with an update in early 2015. Somehow both statements seem as relevant today as they did almost nineteen years ago, immediately following the collapse of the World Trade Towers in New York.Continue reading “Are We There Yet? On the Record in October 2001”

Sochi Games

 The threat of toothpaste and gel-based insurgent attacks on flights to and from the Sochi Winter Olympics could have an interesting twist. What if, in the process of protecting flights by removing predominantly safe products in travelers’ bags, a different sort of threat is actually put into motion? What if the intelligence gathered and disseminatedContinue reading “Sochi Games”

A Non-Scientific Approach to Singularity

The search for world peace is ultimately based on a relentless yearning for the Singularity, the remembrance of complete synchrony in that moment just before all remembrance fades into oblivion. Singularity is the siren’s sound that calls us home for dinner: home for alignment and attunement; home for repair and renewal of the universal heartContinue reading “A Non-Scientific Approach to Singularity”

North Korea (Private emails written by Helen on 18 Dec 2011 and 31 Mar 2013)

Written 18 Dec 2011 The dominoes fall – still again. Part of the surprise, even though all knew [Kim Jong Il] was about to go. No amount of orchestrating and planning can make them “behave” in ways others in the West wish they would. (They means the North Koreans.)…. Be on the lookout. There areContinue reading “North Korea (Private emails written by Helen on 18 Dec 2011 and 31 Mar 2013)”

Boston Marathon Events

On the record: the Boston events reflect acts of domestic terrorism that are Tea Party and militia based. There is always the possibility that external groups can make events appear to be triggered from within, and also the possibility that domestic groups can attempt to make events appear to be triggered internationally. In addition, inContinue reading “Boston Marathon Events”


I posted a series about upcoming earthquakes and marine disasters written between January 5th and July 19th 2010. On January 12th the earthquake in Haiti occurred. The following are reprinted excerpts from private emails written on this subject, plus corroborating news citations in the days, weeks and months following. I am posting this again nowContinue reading “Rumblings”

Europe Divided

Fight for Survival From a private email, written by me on 11 December 2011, now formally On the Record: “Europe falls apart. Does not disappear, but falls apart as a coherent identity. There is great fear here, and that fear is well founded. Germanic influence, including Hapsburg control of the British Crown, means that theContinue reading “Europe Divided”

A Different View of Our Sun

As a non-physicist, it is difficult for me to find appropriate language for the intuitive sense that triggered this piece. So I will just put it On the Record for now, hoping that some more advanced minds than mine will be able to make sense of it. There are quite literal and material universes “trapped”Continue reading “A Different View of Our Sun”

Futuristic Aerial Control of Water and Weather

Written on 7 August 2012: Paying attention to the  simultaneity of severe flooding in some regions of the world, along with severe drought in others, has got me thinking. Now On the Record: A technology can and will eventually be developed that will have the effect of what I will call “aerial vacuuming,” or gathering,Continue reading “Futuristic Aerial Control of Water and Weather”

A New Voice: “Tea Party” to “Arab Spring” to “Take Back Wall Street” to…???

The following was written on 16 November 2010 about the emerging Tea Party Movement, now On The Record. Hindsight renders a natural “of course” response to these thoughts now almost two years later, but at the time of writing none of this was clear yet. The  ramifications of this primarily domestic movement continue to reverberateContinue reading “A New Voice: “Tea Party” to “Arab Spring” to “Take Back Wall Street” to…???”

Insights Leading Up to the October 2008 Stock Market Crash

The following are excerpts from a series of private emails I wrote during the period  December 2007 through September 2008, foreshadowing major events of global proportion that would impact the financial markets. The “Crash of October 2008” officially began on October 6th of that year, but some accounts state that the crash actually began onContinue reading “Insights Leading Up to the October 2008 Stock Market Crash”

Fracking and Other Tales of Mass Destruction

Website Blog Piece written on 1 August 2011, emailed privately on 4 August 2011; reprinted here in unedited form, following the 5.9 August 23rd 2011 earthquake in Virginia. Now officially “On the Record.” “Each one feels it is the only, its cause the most important. Each finds a way to rumble beneath the growing discomfortContinue reading “Fracking and Other Tales of Mass Destruction”

“The Bank That Rules…For Now”

In July and September 2008 I wrote the following in private emails in the midst of the looming national financial crisis. At the time, Wells Fargo was ranked approximately #5 overall among the top domestic commercial banks in terms of asset value and other criteria, with no expectation that it could overtake the largest commercialContinue reading ““The Bank That Rules…For Now””

Drought and more… Updated 10 January 2013

[Scroll to the end of the blog for most recent update entry] From a private email written by me on 4 August 2011: “There will also be earthquakes in unanticipated places, and a second dust bowl is possible in the heartland. Cornering the commodities markets continues and is in full swing. Prices skyrocket, especially forContinue reading “Drought and more… Updated 10 January 2013”